Connecting Communities

Prom Shop

The Prom Shop was set-up to provide all children in Plymouth with the chance to buy affordable prom attire, so they can attend their school ball.

As we know, the cost of a school prom, can be expensive and can cause families undue stress.  We have been collecting dresses and suits from kind individuals all over Devon and Cornwall.  With these donations we can support other young people to enjoy their prom for a minimal cost.  Suits and dresses are only £20 and we now have shoes and bags that we can offer too. The garments are all of high quality and we encourage all that buy from us to donate back to us for the next person.  The money made in the prom shop gets fed back into our community projects, so we can continue to support children and families of all ages.

If you want to donate any of your old prom attire, please email us on

The Intergenerational Project

Research shows that when children engage with their community, it creates a sense of connectedness and a feeling of being a part of something bigger.  Moreover, the social skills gained through this connection, supports children’s development and outcomes helping children to experience positive relationships (Petit, 2020).

Our work seeks to provide support in our community with connectedness so that both children and young people develop supportive relationships with others and build confidence, respect and resilience.  This helps to foster skills, improves feelings of safety, and raises aspirations.

The socialisation of children with elderly residents through diverse and rich environments, helps to develop children’s social and cultural capital and broadens their understanding of the wider world, and themselves as individuals.

Our people

“Really successful, great to see partnership between adult social care, schools and FE”

Jack Davies
Plymouth City Council

our family